Sediment Control Cloths

Meets EPA standards UV stabilised.
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Sedimental control cloths, also known as silt fences, are used to prevent sand, soil and other foreign particles from reaching waterways. If these particles end up in waterways it can not only be detrimental to the underwater ecosystem but also can cause damage to nearby pipes.

In most instances, your construction site will require a sediment control plan in place before any work is allowed to commence. Some local councils even require the plan to be submitted for approval. TTFS’s sediment control cloth is constructed of woven polypropylene mesh held up by posts driven into the ground. The mesh acts as a filter, collecting any toxic sediment. It’s simple, cost-effective and functional.

Our green erosion and sediment control mesh meets EPA standards. It is constructed from a robust, woven polypropylene mesh that is 770mm wide and comes in 50m rolls. Perfect silt fence to help save valuable topsoil from water erosion and provides protection for nearby waterways, stopping sediment and silt being washed into them.


Planning a sediment control system? When deployed as a primary erosion control measure, the sediment control cloth can be used to protect certain types of ground cover and surface from earth moving operations. Here are some reasons as to why you should consider sediment control cloths.

      • They are a cost-effective solution
      • Doesn’t disturb or cause any damage to the surrounding area
      • They are environmentally friendly
      • Results in cleaner waterways
      • Silt fences are easy to set up and install


TTFS sells temporary fencing and related products to a number of businesses across Australia. If you require sediment control cloth, shade cloth roll, rubbish cages, accessories, scaffold net rolls, or any other product, get in contact with the team at TTFS today.


Sediment Control Cloth FAQs

What is sediment control and why is it important?

Sediment control cloth helps to prevent foreign particles from reaching waterways. It’s extremely important as even the tiniest amount of pollutants could cause significant damage to aquatic environments. Plus, if you are caught without a compliant erosion control system, you could be subject to an on the spot fine.

    Where should silt fences be used?

    Silt fences are made from sediement control cloth and are used on construction sites to block any dirt or soil from spreading onto the adjacent land, which can make the site harder to meet environmental requirements and increase the risk of contamination. Silt fences are most often employed in construction works such as residential & commercial buildings, golf courses, and more. They can also be used as a security measure for highway bollards that act as barriers between motorists and construction sites or they work as barriers against landslides and floods. In addition to constructing buildings, these devices may be erected along rivers during times of high water flow when soil erosion is at its peak.

      What is sediment?

      Sediment is a solid material that can be moved and deposited from one area to another. The type of sediment caught by a sediment control cloth depends on the application. Examples include cement, chemicals, rocks, sand and more.

      Sediment Control Cloth Installation Video Guide

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